Component File

The Files component is represented by the icon: and can perform actions on files.

To modify the behavior of a component Files, double click on the component name located in the central workspace, it opens a popup window called "Component Configuration Window". The following figure shows the window for the component:

The first field of the window shown in the figure above is a field called "Name Component", in this you can enter a name for the component. Then there are a number of fields described below.
  • File: Here the file name is entered with the same path.
  • Is file not Exist: The action to be executed if the file exists, the options are: Create it, Quit Process, Return false.
  • Operation: The operation you want to perform with the file, the options are: Get the contents, overwrite, Add content to the end, Do nothing.
  • Name output: is the name of the output that will be added to the $data_flow variable. By default, a series of numbers appear, but can be changed to a simpler name, so for example if the name of the output is: "out_file_1" you can check the output of the component as follows:
 echo $data_flow['out_file_1'];  
  • Content: This is the content that can be added to the file if the selected operation is possible About writing or add content to the end.
At the bottom of the window are three buttons appear: Save, Apply, Cancel. The Save button: Saves the changes made to the component and close the window. The Apply button: Saves the changes made to the component without closing the window. The Cancel button: Closes the window without saving changes to the component.

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